Takeoff Partners invests in Humap Software, platform for digitalizing consulting projects
Takeoff Partners is part of the investor consortium that finances Humap Software with a 1,3 million euro growth investment. Humap Software, a Jyväskylä-based Finnish startup, is a consulting project engagement platform that already has a solid user base among its clients in nine countries. This financing round helps Humap Software grow and internationalize further within its selected customer segments.
“We want to support the revolution in how organizations operate, especially with the new digital tools and engagement opportunities available”, says Ilkka Mäkitalo, CEO of Humap Software. “We help make digitalization a part of our customer organizations’ everyday practices and increase the effectiveness of both consulting work and internal development efforts”, Mäkitalo continues.
“I have personally used Humap Software’s platform in consulting projects and witnessed its benefits and ease of use first hand”, says Markko Vaarnas, Managing Partner of Takeoff Partners. “With the limitations of available face time and the traditional ways of project communication and engagement, it’s a delight to work with a platform that makes it easy to keep a lengthy consulting project organized and all its participants involved. Humap Software also has an experienced team that has thorough knowledge of organizational change process management”, Vaarnas continues.
In addition to Takeoff Partners, nine business angels and experienced entrepreneurs in the consulting and software business are part of the investor group, along with Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.
Humap Software is a spin-off company of Humap Ltd. The group owns 50% of Humap Software. In the year 2016, Humap Software’s revenue was around 625 000 euros. Currently there are 13 employees working for the company in Finland, Sweden, and Australia.
Read a news article on Kauppalehti about the investment round (in Finnish).
More information:
Markko Vaarnas
Managing Partner,
Takeoff Partners
+358 40 540 3390
(at) takeoffpartners.com
Ilkka Mäkitalo
CEO, Humap
+358 50 558 6648
ilkka.makitalo (at) humapsoftware.com